Your Name
Your Email
My Concern:
Dear Rene Lindstaedt, I am contacting you to begin the process of raising a concern: in line with the University's Code of Practice Student Concerns & Complaints 2019-20. This complaint is in regard to the University’s inadequate No Detriment approach. The current No Detriment approach fails to support us as students in these truly unprecedented times, disregards the mental health impact of the global pandemic and leaves me feeling concerned for the future of my degree. The University is failing in its duty of care and its obligations as per my Student Contract. It does not truly provide a ‘safety net’ and still leaves the possibility that students could do worse than their current grade trajectory. This could be resolved through the University adopting the Guild of Students’ recommendations, based on extensive student feedback. These are as follows: 1. A 5% increase for all dissertations/final year projects, including Postgraduate Taught students 2. A guarantee that no student will graduate with less than their trajectory 3. An expansion of the grade boundaries by 0.5% 4. Give all students an opportunity to do assessments, in order to improve their 80 credits Having followed the University's Code of Practice for Student Concerns & Complaints 2019-20 I expect to receive a response to this concern and will escalate the issue further through the complaints process if necessary. Regards.